Real Moms Drink Coffee

I am a mom. I drink lots of coffee. I drank coffee when I was pregnant, and while I was (and still am) breastfeeding. Having two kids, a cat that thinks he's a dog and a husband who sleeps through everything (including screaming babies) will do that to you. If the last five years has taught me anything at all, it is that real moms do whatever they can to survive. So sit back, grab a latte and enjoy the ride...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gabriel's mom

Yes, it has been quite a while since my last post. I am not very good at this blogging thing, am I? In my defense, it has been a busy few weeks! But that's for another time. Today, I would like to talk about something else...

Five years ago (tomorrow, to be exact), my step-son's biological mother passed away. Her name was Jennifer and she was 29. I never knew her, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about her a lot. I know that she was extremely organized and meticulous (she had an immaculate filing system for household bills that blew my mind). She loved baking (and I thank her for the many cookbooks and cake decorating items that I inherited and sadly attempt to use). She never forgot a birthday or anniversary and loved to give people greeting cards. She loved her family and talked to them every day. Most of all, she loved being a mom.

When I first met Mike, I felt threatened by this "other woman". We all tend to glorify people who have died and often only remember the good things about them. I felt like I was competing against a perfect woman, mother, friend, wife and I would never live up to her. I also went through a grieving process...for Mike, that he had experienced such a significant loss, for Gabriel, that he would never know his mom, and for Jenn's family and friends.

It took a long time, but I have accepted that I am a good mother and am doing the best I can to raise Jennifer's son. I am not her, and may not do things the same way that she would have, but I love Gabriel with all my heart and work hard to make sure he has a happy life. However, there are still times when I wish that I could have known her. I wish that I could tell Gabriel stories about his mom. I wish I could talk to her and tell her how amazing her son is, and thank her for bringing him into the world. I wish I could spend a Saturday taking cake-decorating lessons from her.

Sometimes Gabriel says, "I wish I could talk to Mommy Jennifer". I always tell him that he can, anytime he wants. She is always watching over him and listening to him. Once I say that, he usually waves at the ceiling, smiles, and shouts, "I love you mommy Jennifer!" and goes back to playing. I then tell him, "I heard her buddy, she said hi back and she loves you too." Though I didn't know her, I am pretty sure she would be OK with me translating.


  1. Wow. Beautiful post, Colleen! You're an amazing Mom. So glad I met you and have gotten to know you.

  2. Thanks so much heather! I am glad you liked it...your blog has definitely inspired me so you should take some credit! :) I am glad we met too!!

  3. Beautifully put, Colleen. You do just fine at this blogging thing!
